Op Shop Retail Assistant (3550)
- Branxton New South Wales
- Category: Community Services
- Types of work: Retail & Sales
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The objects of HVC are: (i) To support, involve and represent volunteers (and their interests) throughout the Hunter Region. (ii) To provide, maintain and develop the Hunter Volunteer Centre as a community facility for volunteers and those who work with them, with particular reference to: - Education and information - Advocacy, support and networking - Volunteer recruitment and placement - Public relations and research (iii) To provide support and practical help to disadvantaged families and individuals through the provision of volunteer positions; thus enabling them to enhance their life skills, chances of employment, and to develop and maintain control of their lives. (iv) To network with other agencies and to provide appropriate volunteers, thereby enabling the agencies to deliver a comprehensive range of services, activities and self-help initiatives. To empower individuals and families to maintain control of their lives. (v) To address areas of community need through consultation with other service providers, welfare groups, government bodies and other organisations to aid in the establishment of community services and facilities by providing, and educating volunteers with appropriate skills to maintain such services. (vi) To encourage and co-ordinate civic participation at all levels, enabling a more efficient use of social assets. MissionStatement: To promote, encourage and empower volunteers in their contributions to the community and to support and resource organisations in their utilisation of volunteers, for the benefit of all.
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