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Found 2 volunteer opportunities with Lifeline Northern NSW in New South Wales NSW and the surrounding areas

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  • Lifeline Volunteer Crisis Supporter - Northern Rivers

    Lifeline Northern NSW

    Lifeline Northern Rivers are looking for Volunteer Crisis Supporters who are good listeners, compassionate, and committed to supporting others so that no one has to face their darkest moments alone. Benefits include: - Belonging to the Lifeline Community - Potential Career Opportunities - Giving back to your community - Making a difference - Meeting new people - Ongoing support - Practical experience - Personal and professional growth and development

  • Lifeline Volunteer Crisis Supporter - Northern Rivers

    Lifeline Northern NSW

    Lifeline Northern Rivers are looking for Volunteer Crisis Supporters who are good listeners, compassionate, and committed to supporting others so that no one has to face their darkest moments alone. Benefits include: - Belonging to the Lifeline Community - Potential Career Opportunities - Giving back to your community - Making a difference - Meeting new people - Ongoing support - Practical experience - Personal and professional growth and development

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