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Busselton Population Medical Research Institute

Logo for Busselton Population Medical Research Institute

The Busselton Health Study commenced in 1966 and is globally recognized as one of the longest running population health research programs of its kind. With research facilities in Busselton and Perth, the BPMRI manages survey activities, study data and biological specimens collected from over 20,000 study participants. The BPMRI Platform enables and facilitates collaborative medical research to be conducted at lower cost, in shorter time, translating findings earlier for improved health in the community. Our Research Enabling Platform and collaborative research contribute to changing people's health trajectory by improving community and individual public health measures. We provide feedback to government on funding and program priorities to solve key health challenges and guide health response. We attract world-class researchers and research funding to Western Australia. As a not-for-profit entity we rely on the generous efforts of our community volunteers who assist with survey operations, promotional and governance activities.  

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