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Mental Health Promotion Ambassadors

Athenie's Angels Aus Ltd

We are Athenie's Angels Aus Ltd, a dynamic mental health promotion organization in Victoria, committed to advancing mental health education, advocacy, and support services. Our mission is to foster a culture of understanding, acceptance, and resilience by promoting mental health literacy and providing resources to individuals, families, and communities.

Your responsibilities include:

  • Develop and deliver engaging presentations and workshops on mental health topics, tailored to the needs and interests of various audiences (e.g., schools, workplaces, community organizations).
  • Utilize social media platforms and other communication channels to share information, resources, and personal stories about mental health promotion and advocacy.
  • Collaborate with community partners, local organizations, and stakeholders to organize events and campaigns that raise awareness about mental health and encourage supportive environments.
  • Serve as a visible and approachable resource for individuals seeking information, guidance, or support related to mental health concerns.
  • Participate in training programs and professional development opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills in mental health promotion and advocacy.
  • Collect feedback and evaluate the impact of outreach efforts, and use data to inform future strategies and initiatives.