Aged Care Volunteer Visitor (3506)

An Aged Care Volunteer Visitor plays a vital role in improving the quality of life of an older person through ongoing companionship and sharing life experiences to strengthen social & healthy well-being while supporting their independence so they feel socially connected with a sense of purpose & belonging. You will visit a care recipient within a Residential Aged Care Home or Private Home. You are matched to a care recipient based on shared interests & hobbies, establishing long-term friendship.
You get to meet new people and make new friends. Approaching your role with an empathetic and kind heart. Sharing your skills and knowledge with a new friend. Giving the gift of time. Learn new things. Improve your wellbeing, The life you change could be your own. Establishing a long-term friendship. Seeing the world from a different perspective. Giving back to the Community.
Induction Training. ACVVS Older Persons Advocacy Network Training, Support & Training Morning Teas, Internal Manual Handling and WHS training, ACVVS CoP Portal Volunteer Training Resources.