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Sorting and Packing Party - Saturdays too!

Church 4 Life Clothing Collection

Logo for Church 4 Life Clothing Collection

We have a variety of tasks that suit different abilities and personalities so let's find a task or two that you'll enjoy. All these activities come together to send toys to poor kids overseas, books to kids in the Aussie Outback, provide jobs for Mums in developing nations, prepare items for our Giant Charity Garage Sales, rescue clothes from landfill and much more.

Task we do include:

  • sorting through donations to find someone's new treasures
  • packing toys and bric a brac into boxes
  • taking batteries out of toys (one of our sit down jobs)
  • folding blue bags ready to go into letterboxes
  • preparing books ready to go to other charities
  • playing "Find my Pair" with shoes
  • Using the super powers of a vacuum to make tiny things disappear
  • stacking and moving boxes and donations for our volunteers with big muscles
  • taking a walk down memory lane when you find a favourite toy from your childhood, a book you read in high school and having a chuckle at fashions from your teenage years.