Gig Buddies Volunteer Central Coast

Gig Buddies is a volunteer based befriending project promoting social inclusion for adults with disability.
We are looking for volunteer buddies in the Central Coast Region (NSW, Australia).
Key Duties
Attend an event and/or activity (“gig”) once a month with an adult with a learning disability and/or autism.
You will be paired up with an adult with a mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism who has similar interests to you so you can attend events together, share your interests and have fun.
What is a gig?
A gig can be as casual as meeting up for a chat and a coffee, or as adventurous as going to a musical festival together. You and your new buddy decide what gigs you would like to enjoy together.
Skills and experience needed
We are seeking motivated, inventive people who are positive about diversity and want to be a part of the growing community of Gig Buddies in NSW.
No previous experience is needed.
Training and support is provided.
As a Gig Buddies volunteer, you will gain skills in advocacy, supporting people with learning disabilities and community development.
Who are Gig Buddies Sydney?
The Gig Buddies project is an initiative of not-for-profit disability service provider ACL Disability Services.
Next Steps
After you submit this application, we will email you a link to our online volunteer application form. This form should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and you will be asked for your personal details, hobbies/interests and two references. These details will help us search for a potential gig buddy match for you.
(Next) Next steps
If you are paired^ with a buddy, you will be asked to complete:
- NDIS Volunteer Worker Check
- NDIS Worker Orientation Module
- Gig Buddies Volunteer Training
^Depending on your location and your compatibility (interests, music etc) with our current participants, there may be a wait time until you are paired with a buddy.