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MYND Initiative inc.

MYND Initiative Inc.’s mission is to spread the message that mental health matters to everyone, challenge the stigma and myths associated with mental health issues and develop communities of understanding. Whether it be through speaker events, community events, music, art, storytelling, or social media, MYND’s mission is to educate communities and to empower the individual to share their mental health story. With education and encouragement, it is hoped that communities of understanding will develop with the ability to support and guide individuals, families and other communities through an often difficult journey, as well as encouraging and promoting awareness and understanding of mental health. Every person dealing with mental health issues has a story to tell and the individual factors that make up their story can become an inspiration for others to take steps toward their own healing. Through conversation, support, education and the development of communities of understanding, the stigma associated with having mental health issues can be eradicated.

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