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Tabulam and Templer Homes for the AGED

Situated among beautiful peaceful parklands at the foot of the Dandenongs, Tabulam and Templer Homes for the Aged cater specifically to people who have German cultural links. Our certified and fully accredited 118 bed residence has both high and low care , ‘Aging in Place’ and Dementia Specific, offering an excellent home and health care facilities for residents. TTHA’s adjacent retirement village has over 43 Independent Living Units and Apartments that are an integral feature of our community. TTHA also has 80 Home Care Packages (HCP), which are aimed at clients of European ethnic background, such as German, Austrian, Swiss, Hungarian, Polish, Latvian, Ukrainian and Russian. The packages are designed to support the client's independence at home. Our German specific Planned Activity Group (PAG) caters to the wider Knox Community and runs from Monday to Thursday, the program is designed to accommodate the interests and social needs of the clients, whilst encouraging independence and social interaction

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