Improving Outcomes for People Living with Epilepsy - in Western Australia
Australian Epilepsy Project (The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health)

Around 250,000 Australians live with epilepsy - a condition that severely impacts a person's quality of life, from health, safety, and independence, through to employment limitations and poor mental health outcomes.
Epilepsy is the second most burdensome neurological condition after dementia and is estimated to cost $12.3 billion* a year in public healthcare.
The Australian Epilepsy Project (AEP) is a multi-year research study that aims to change this, by developing a national network of hubs giving free access to advanced MRI scans, genetic analysis, and cognitive testing democratising access to expertise for people living with epilepsy and providing more precise diagnoses and treatment outcomes.
But we need your help.
We are seeking volunteers (people without epilepsy) to join our research study's control group.
Control group volunteers are vital for a research study as they provide a point of comparison for general participants and determine the efficacy of the study.
Participation involves an at-home neuropsychology test, approx. 120 mins (a laptop or computer with keyboard, camera and mic as well as a stable WiFi connection is required) as well as a visit to one of our Hubs for an (in-person) MRI scan, approx. 90 mins. Our Hubs are located in Melbourne at Austin Health and Alfred Health, John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle, Mater Hospital in Brisbane, Jones Radiology at SAHMRI in Adelaide, University of Western Australia in Perth, and University of New South Wales in Sydney. Please note a current Medicare card is also required.
Your participation in the AEP will help to shape the future landscape of epilepsy diagnoses and treatment for thousands of Australians and drive new discoveries and future applications of data for epilepsy today, and other brain health conditions, tomorrow.
Register your interest via the Apply Now button.