Ros* wants someone to take her to the Beach for Fish and Chips

Wesley Aged Care Volunteer Visitors is a service that connects volunteers with people who are experiencing loneliness or isolation.
Ros is in her 70’s she loves dogs and art and crafts. She was a dedicated carer of her own mother who has now passed and she needs some help from the community to remember the joys of life. She has asked if someone could take her for fish and chips but is also open to going out for lunch and social chats over afternoon tea.
Can you help? Just an hour a fortnight could make all the difference.
Our volunteers often say they get as much out of volunteering as they put in and they love the chats that they have with the people they visit.
What would it take for you to build a friendship with someone new? We will introduce you and provide ongoing support, we even host celebration events to say thank you for making a difference to this person.
Wesley Mission
Each year, more than 180,000 people find support, care and compassion at Wesley Mission and without volunteers like you this crucial work wouldn’t be possible.
What is involved?
- Fortnightly visits, at a convenient time.
- Providing companionship and enjoying each other’s company.
If you would like to know more, Hit Apply and send through an expression of interest to team.