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DAWN Mentor


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The Boroondara Volunteer Resource Centre is advertising this role on behalf of Doncare.

DAWN is a mentoring program that links trained volunteer Mentors with women recovering from the impacts of family violence. Mentors provide one-on-one support for one to two hours a week for 12-24 months.

A Mentor provides practical and emotional support to a woman, for example by • Going for walks or coffee. • Helping to link in with other services, • Supporting clients to attend appointments such as court/lawyer • Helping to access information and resources.

What can the DAWN program do for you?

Volunteers receive initial training to increase their understanding of the nature, prevalence and gendered drivers of family violence and its impacts. Ongoing training and supported via monthly Mentor Meetings.

Mentors have the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds and experiences and to be part of a unique program which benefits from Doncare’s experience as a leading provider of quality service.

Mentors must be available during business hours Monday to Friday,