Board Member | Mascot-based Community Organisation - #222960
SECC is currently looking for a new Board Member to join its team. Could this be you?
SECC’s mission is to foster community wellbeing through the efficient and ethical distribution of resources and services.
SECC supports residents of the following LGAs:
Bayside (formerly Botany)
City of Sydney
*- Woollahra
*- Waverley
As the highest leadership body of SECC, the Board is responsible for:
selecting and evaluating the performance of the CEO
strategic and organisational planning
ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management
fundraising and resource development
approving and monitoring SECC’s programs and services
*- enhancing SECC’s public image
- assessing the Board’s own performance as the governing body of SECC.
The Board meets for 2 hours one Wednesday per month. Attendance in person or remotely.
*Serving on the Board of a NFP can be a rewarding, high-impact way for you to support your community.
*Becoming a Board member helps you grow professionally and personally.
*You will gain new skills and knowledge, broaden your contacts, and contribute in a meaningful way.