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School Librarians with Global Vision

SchoolKits for Congo (RAOAF Project)

Some Librarians will have ideas about how to organise a very cool Bring and Buy Booksale. Others might be glad to apply those ideas to share the love and celebrate the Day. We hope to involve you all! SchoolKits for Congo is a project of Rotary Australia World Community Service, in partnership with a local charity registered in Goma, DRCongo. It provides SchoolKits free of charge to refugee children in Goma, giving them access to education. We also provide employment for the widowed mothers who sew the kits and can thereby house and educate their own children. Photos of the recipient children with their gifts are returned to the giving school community as thanks. Your efforts will give more Australian children the chance to feel engaged with reading, and give Congolese children shelter, access to education and a place in their new community.