Painter and Deck Maintenance Assistant: Ocean going tug

Sydney Heritage Fleet is a celebrated working museum and volunteer organisation which restores, preserves and operates Australian maritime heritage.
We have undertaken work to maintain paintwork and deck gera by removing and treating rust, then re-painting. We picture you, the volunteer, as a person with some years of DIY experience, "handyperson" skills, and a keen desire to help cope with the ravages of sun, wind and rain on the exterior of a large tug. You will enjoy working outdoors in the cool sea breezes of Rozelle Bay, in workshops which can genuinely be called a "Happy Shed". There are no cliques, no politics, no jealousies. A pressing need is to de-rust and repaint exterior steel areas. We would also be pleased to show you the technique of caulking deck planking. Leaks are penetrating to the engine room and stokehold and other areas below deck. Some DIY skills are required, and a willingness to help out. Work is assigned according to a volunteer’s physical capabilities, agility and experience. Basic skills such as operation of power tools, painting and general maintenance experience would be ideal. All ages and genders welcome. On your first day you will receive a cheerful welcome, safety orientation training and a guided tour of our work centres.
Are you in the Jobseeker Program? The Sydney Heritage Fleet is a partner in the Australian Government Jobseeker program, so if you fit their criteria and are suitable for roles that SHF need filled, you may be able to work in our dynamic teams and continue on Jobseeker support.
Access to the Dockyard is by Light Rail to Rozelle Bay, or frequent 500-series route buses from Town Hall and Victoria Road. Very limited member-only car spaces are across the road. Interested? Apply online now with information about you under "interests, skills & qualifications" Further information - see our website: and click on EXPLORE