Art Gallery Marketing Assistant

Throughout 2024, our Society has seen some changes in our communication and organisational procedures. This has been in an effort to improve and present our gallery, artwork, newsletter, paperwork and customer service in a professional manner. We have been able to provide up-to-date information, community-focused educational opportunities and social activities aimed at supporting our community.
The next step is focusing outwards to market and promote our activities to our wider community. The gallery is busy with activities happening almost daily and it would be wonderful to share this with our community. Our membership continues to grow and we are looking to streamline our linking to our customers and fellow artists.
We are looking for someone to undertake the role of marketing our gallery to the greater Central Coast area - ensuring the right information gets to the right people at the right time. We already have a fabulous website, newsletter, social media presence, fresh professional gallery but we are looking to take us out to the wider community.
We would like a volunteer to help us:
Link with and work with various members of the Society to understand and promote the art education programs, art exhibitions, community events through a variety of social media and publication outlets.
Work with and regularly communicate with the Society Web Master, Newsletter Editor, Facebook Manager and Education Officer to determine focus of the external digital communication.
Consider links with local radio, local art & tourist publications and magazines, community organisations, local businesses, Tourist Information Centres etc to increase the Society profile in the Community