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Co-leader and Co-Musical Director for amateur 3rd Age Rock Orchestra

University of the 3rd Age
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Key duties:

  1. Share the leadership and musical direction of the 3rd Age Rock Orchestra with the orchestra founder and present Leader and MD, Harvey Broadbent AM.
  2. Instigate, arrange and produce half the musical scores for the orchestra to add to the orchestra's repertoire of over 120 pieces.
  3. Alternating with Harvey, lead and conduct rehearsal sessions at Narrabeen every second week.
  4. Share with Harvey delivery of concerts as they occur, generally up to the present, 4 per year.
  5. Liaise with Harvey over the running and administration of the Orchestra

Skills and experience needed:

  1. Experience and musical skills in leading orchestral/or small group performance.
  2. Ability to produce musical arrangements in both score form and chord/lyric charts for players and singers.
  3. Ability to conceive of selection of pieces for repertoire, requiring a knowledge of rock and pop music and its history.
  4. Good communication skills for interaction with players and singers.

Organisational background: The 3rd Age Rock Orchestra is a part of Northern Beaches U3A (Univ. of the 3rd Age) and is subject to U3A regulations, but generally operates autonomously under the direction of the Leader. The Leader, all players and singers are retirees or semi-retirees and are members of U3A.

Benefits of volunteering for the Co-Leader/MD position: The position produces great creative and musical satisfaction and enjoyment for the individual Leader, high level of satisfaction in enabling the same for the players and singers. The position, by producing such satisfaction, also brings benefits to the Leader's wellness as well as the orchestra members and its audiences who are generally seniors.

Impact of the position: By having a Co-Leader, Harvey and the orchestra members hope the longevity of the orchestra is ensured into the future and its musical perspectives can be broadened.