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Keep Your Coins, Create Change in Pokies

Wesley Mission
Logo for Wesley Mission

Gambling harm is a significant issue in Australia, especially in NSW. Join us for the “Put Pokies in their Place” event during Gambling Harm Awareness Week (GHAW) to promote awareness and support those affected.

This year’s theme, “Let’s change the conversation,” focuses on changing the language around gambling and starting positive conversations about gambling harm.

Put Pokies in their Place: 21 October, Sydney CBD

Join us outside of Wesley Mission in Pitt Street to help raise awareness about gambling harm. We will be engaging with the public and encouraging them to sign a petition for change.

Date: Monday, 21 October Time: [Event Time] Location: Wesley Mission, Pitt Street, Sydney CBD

Volunteer Duties:

  • Engaging with the public
  • Distributing informational materials
  • Encouraging people to sign the petition
  • Setting up and packing down the space

Volunteer with us to raise awareness, support your community, and make a difference!