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Event Volunteer - Conquer NF in Colour (Sydney)

The Children's Tumour Foundation of Australia
Logo for The Children's Tumour Foundation of Australia

Not a runner, but love to get involved in community events? As a local charity who supports families impacted by neurofibromatosis, we are looking for volunteers to help bring our upcoming colour run to life on Sunday 24 November at Wentworth Park, Glebe.

You'll be required on the day from 7am-12pm.

Do any of these roles feel like you?

Organising Committee Members – Help us bring the event together in the lead up. (This role may require time commitment ahead of the event date and may include activity such as helping collect and deliver equipment or supporting delivery of local area marketing, such as on ground promotion.)

Colour Artists - People to throw the coloured chalk at the runners as they pass through

Soakers - People to spray the runners with water as they walk past

Penguin Mascot – Wear our inflatable suit and be ready to lead the charge with plenty of selfies

Course Marshals - Help direct the people around the course so no one gets lost

Registration/Merchandise - People at the front desk to get the runners started and sell merchandise

If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping on this spectacular day, then register to volunteer today!