Community Members – Bond University Human Research Ethics Committee

Bond University has a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) composed of volunteers and administered by a small secretariat. Bond University HREC operates in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023 (National Statement).
Members of Bond University HREC fulfil a vital role in research. The purpose is to provide ethical oversite on the conduct of research involving human participants ensuring all research submitted for review is designed with respect for participants and is not compromised by the aims of the research, by the way it is carried out, or by the results.
Members are asked to consider research against international and national guidelines on ethical research conduct, and on the basis of their own knowledge, qualities and experience and not as representatives of any organisation, group or decision.
Bond University HREC is seeking those interested in the following categories of membership:
*1. A Community Member who brings a broader community or consumer perspective who have no paid affiliation with Bond University; 2. A Qualified Lawyer, who may or may not be practicing, and who have no affiliation with the institution; 3. A person with knowledge and current experience in the professional care or treatment of people, for example, Allied Health Professional, Nurse, Counsellor. *
The Committee meets nine times a year on a Wednesday. The meetings start at 12pm and generally continue for 2– 3 hours. Committee Members are expected to complete all pre-reading prior to the meeting (reviewing papers and providing written reviews). Preparation for each meeting is usually 2 – 5 hours.
Committee members are appointed for two years, and the position is unpaid.
To apply, please send an expression of interest (maximum) one-page summary outlining your skills, background and why you are interested in the role (specify which category of membership you are expressing an interested in) with a short CV to Attn: Haley Jacobi, Manager Grants and Ethics.