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Social Support Group Assistant - Central Coast

ADSSI Limited

Adssi In-home Support is a not-for-profit community care provider with over 35 years experience serving and supporting clients across the Central Coast and Northern Sydney. As a Group Assistant, you will be enabling our clients to remain living independently by providing highly valued social interaction and ensuring clients remain connected to the community and functional in their own life.

The role of Group Social Outing Volunteer is to:

  • Provide a safe and reliable service for the clients of Adssi In-home Support
  • Work with the social activities coordinator to facilitate group events, such as bus outings and respite camps
  • Participate in group activities
  • Travel with the group on the bus: assisting clients on and off the bus, fitting seatbelts, etc
  • Support any function required to ensure the smooth running of the group events

Have fun while helping our clients live their best life!

Location: Office is located in Tuggerah

#GetOnTheBusWithUs #LiveYourBestLife