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Board Director - Marketing

Friends for Good Inc.
Logo for Friends for Good Inc.

FFG is looking for a dedicated and engaged Board Director who can positively impact the organisation’s important work. This portfolio requires the Director to have skills and experience in marketing to manage our social media volunteers and undertake general promotional activities.

Friends for Good is considering the payment of fees to Board Directors and will look to implement these once sufficient income is generated.


The Board of Management meets on a bimonthly basis on-line. In the intervening months Board Members contribute to the organisation by working on their portfolio projects or tasks. We ask for a commitment of 2 hours per week.

All Board members are required to complete a Police records check.

How to apply

To confidentially discuss this opportunity please call Patricia Lauria, CEO, on 0414341985.

About the organisation Organisation name : Friends for Good About us

Our vision: People free from loneliness.

Mission and work: FFG sees loneliness as a critical health issue in the Australian community; one of national importance. Our mission is to raise awareness of loneliness as a significant public health issue. Friends for Good (FFG) was the first charity in Australia working solely on the issue of loneliness and social isolation. After identifying gaps, we offer services including a national telephone support service, FriendLine and online chat, for anyone who needs to reconnect or is experiencing loneliness.

Through our Australian Loneliness Research Foundation FFG undertakes research to understand the prevalence and experience of loneliness in Australia. Our highly successful annual conferences and symposiums bring together key stakeholders from the not-for-profit and private sectors, academics, government, policy makers and practitioners to explore ways to work together to alleviate loneliness. We also facilitate community education sessions to provide information about and strategies to overcome loneliness.

You can not apply for this role as it is no longer available.