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Hands-on help volunteer

Australian Conservation Foundation
Logo for Australian Conservation Foundation

ACF is seeking committed volunteers from across Australia to join the hands-on help volunteer program from July to September 2024.

Volunteers will work closely with ACF’s Community Organising, Community & Mobilisation, and Donor Development teams to build people power and win campaigns.

The hands-on help volunteer program is intended to be flexible so that you can assist with the tasks that match your time, interest and skills (or the skills you are looking to develop!)

This program will focus on three main types of tasks, so we are seeking volunteers who are keen to assist with one or more of these areas of volunteering:

  1. Testing ACF’s new conversations and survey activity: This is a new conversational tool ACF is developing called “Community Pulse”, and we want your involvement to test it out in your neighbourhood. ACF will provide support, training and a conversation script to help you have conversations in your community about climate and nature. You could have conversations by doorknocking, making phone calls, setting up a market stall, or any other way that works for you! Your experience and feedback will inform how we improve this tool in the lead up to the 2025 federal election.

  2. Assisting with day-to-day activities such as: providing logistics support at online and in-person events, making recruitment and reminder phone calls to ensure great attendance at campaign events, doing data entry and administration for events and trainings.

  3. Deepening connections with our community of generous donors through assisting the ACF fundraising team by writing out thank you and welcome cards, phoning donors to thank them for their generosity, and helping with packing mail and gifts. Please note, this third task type is only for volunteers based in Brisbane and Melbourne – we hope to expand to other locations in the future!

Volunteer opportunities will vary week on week, so this is a role for people who enjoy events and trainings, can be a bit flexible in their availability, are confident in conveying when they are (and are not) available to volunteer, and have a passion for ACF’s campaigns for climate and nature.

Why join the hands-on help volunteer team? ● Experience what it’s like to volunteer with ACF through getting involved for a set time period of 3-months. ● Learn about environmental advocacy and building people power through doing. ● Experience flexible volunteering, taking on the tasks that match your time, interest and skills (or the skills you’d like to develop!) ● Learn how to use different digital and office technology tools (depending on the tasks you get involved in). ● Connect with like-minded people who care about the environment and climate action. ● You may qualify for a reference from us about your volunteering.

Volunteer skills: The volunteer should be able to demonstrate: ● Clear, respectful and engaging communication skills and strong ability to collaborate with others (e.g. staff, other volunteers, the wider ACF community) ● Reliability, with the ability to clearly convey own capacity and time availability, and timely responsiveness to messages from your supervisor (this is key to success, as the volunteer commitments may vary from week to week) ● Good organisational skills and a commitment to completing agreed task to a high standard ● Willingness to learn and try new skills ● Self-motivation, able to work autonomously, and proactive in asking questions and seeking support from your supervisor/other team members/other volunteers where needed ● A passion for ACF’s mission to protect nature so that people, communities and wildlife thrive, and an understanding of ACF’s campaigns.

This volunteer role can be done from the volunteer’s home or place of work/study. For volunteers who are interested in helping test ACF’s new surveying and conversation tool (Community Pulse) this can be done in your local neighbourhood, wherever that may be!

So, wherever you are in Australia, we encourage you to sign up to the hands-on help volunteer team.