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Co-Operations Lead - Competition Operations Lead

Govhack Australia Ltd.

The Competition Operations Lead is a key role responsible for organising and managing the core experience of GovHack, the competition itself. This includes the ensuring the technology and data are competition ready. The individual will preferably, but not necessarily, be well versed in GovHack and has had prior experience in the hackathon as a volunteer and/or participant

Competition readiness: – Work with the competition team to ensure the hackerspace is configured for the new year, that previous years hackerspace instances are separated and publicly available, that there is continuous improvement for planned new features and fixes, that there is stability and capacity load management for the weekend. – Ensure that the challenge, project, data, registration and judging back-end processes are setup and fully tested with any enhancements implemented within appropriate timelines

Volunteer Management: – Assist the Operations Support role in defining volunteer roles – Assist with recruitment, training, and management of all volunteers to support all teams.

Technology readiness: – Work with the technology team to ensure the architecture is secure, safe, compliant and remains open source. That there is continuous improvement for planned new features and fixes, that there is stability and capacity load management for the weekend.

Data readiness: –Work with the data team to ensure the open data policies are clear and readily available for sponsors and participants alike. – Work with tech and data teams to enable ready and protected access to hackerspace in line with privacy governance and GovHack reporting requirements

On-site Coordination: – Oversee technology performance with the relevant teams during the hackathon, addressing any issues or challenges that may arise. – Ensure a positive experience for participants, volunteers, and sponsors throughout the event.

Post Competition and Awards process: – Oversee technology performance with the relevant teams during the hackathon, addressing any issues or challenges that may arise. – Ensure a positive experience for participants, volunteers, and sponsors throughout the event.