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Walkabout Australia FUNDRAISING

NICC national indigenous cultural centre

NICC (National Indigenous Cultural Centre owns and runs Walkabout Australia: we need help fundraising (can you help - we will train you…

NICC is a 100% indigenous owned charity where all surplus profits are invested into primary school indigenous language education.

NICC has an online ecommerce portal to help promote indigenous art, music, food, fashion, literature to events: theatre, festivals to walks & tours.

Walkabout Australia runs and attends events (organises food / art / music / entertainment / education....

In 2023 we attended the Royal Shows - Darwin to Brisbane to Adelaide to Melbourne. We promoted to and entertained over two million Australians.

We now need funds to run our own shows (and continue to attend the 2024/5 Royal Shows (we want to promote indigenous culture to more than five million Australians in 2024/5 = good thinking???...

We seek to sell 1,000 $52 life memberships and sign up corporate and philanthropic partners to our Sponsorship Package (happy to give you 20% of all funds you help to raise from the sale of the Sponsorship Package (BUT I am sure you can also help in other ways???...