Grant writing support
PRECI (Professionals and Researchers in Early Childhood Intervention)
Key duties would involve working with the PRECI Directors to:
- find appropriate grants to apply for
- compile the required grant information: written document and budget
- format the grant application
Professional and Researchers in Early Childhood Intervention (PRECI) is an Australian research-to-practice peak body focussed on outcomes for young children with developmental disabilities. PRECI was established as a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee in June 2022. PRECI's is a registered charity with the ACNC.
Our vision is excellence and equity in services for young children with developmental disabilities and at risk of developmental delay in Australia.
Our purpose is to lead Australian early childhood intervention research, knowledge translation, quality practice, and policy for young children with developmental disabilities.
As a volunteer with PRECI you will work with key experts in the field who are passionate about outcomes for children with disability and their families. Your contribution will be greatly valued and you will be considered a key team member.
If you are interested, please send through an expression of interest to