Darebin Aboriginal Advisory Committee (DAAC) Member

Expression of Interest
Join the Darebin Aboriginal Advisory Committee.
**You will be providing cultural advice to Darebin Council, supporting truth-telling and directly influencing Council outcomes that lead Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people towards self-determination. **
What’s the role? Committee members work within the Terms of Reference to provide advice and recommendations to Council in relation to:
- issues and barriers affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Darebin
- input into Council’s policy and decision-making processes
- contributing to and monitoring the implementation of the Darebin Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy and Action Plan and the Darebin Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan
*For the current recruitment, DAAC is seeking to achieve greater equality in its members. For this purpose, we are seeking applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people under 25 (youth), women and/or LGBTQIA+ people. *
**All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to apply. **
What’s the format? The Committee is chaired by a nominated Aboriginal community member, with a Councillor as Co-Chair. The committee is supported by senior Aboriginal Council Officers. The committee meets quarterly online/in-person which usually run for 2 hours.
What are the benefits?
- Become an active member of the local Darebin community
- Social connection and networking
- Gain new experiences and learn new skills
How do I apply? Email diversity@darebin.vic.gov.au. You will be sent a link to a short online application form.
This volunteer role requires committee members to:
- work in accordance with the City of Darebin values
- adhere to the City of Darebin's Occupational Health & Safety policies and procedures
- work in accordance with the Child Safe Standards