Tidy-minded person, Male or Female, to help sort out our Paint store

Are you in the Jobseeker Program? The Sydney Heritage Fleet is a partner in the Australian Government Jobseeker program, so if you fit their criteria and are suitable for roles that SHF need filled, you may be able to work in our dynamic teams and continue on Jobseeker support.
Paint store organisation & control – we have expensive marine paints at a number of places. The Fleet has paint systems for different surfaces. They need coordination, documentation and amalgamation. Ideally you have done a lot of DIY painting over the years or are even an experienced tradesman painter. No special training is needed nor any special skill apart from a tidy mind and a willingness to help with our vital restoration and maintenance work. Finding just the right paint or brush consumes a lot of valuable time. All possible assistance will be provided, such as computer internet access, handling equipment, extra manpower as far as possible, and cheerful answers to every question.
Storage space, shelving, bins, etc. will all be allotted or built on-site.
The Workshops in Rozelle are what is called "a Happy Shed". There are no cliques, no politics, no animosities. You will be made to feel very welcome on your first day, and given Workplace Safety training and a tour of the various different vessels and work sites. More than half of our painters are women so the atmosphere is not blokey.