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Change your life and spend time with a child/young person with differing abilities - there is nothing more rewarding!

Interchange Outer East

Interchange Outer East (IOE) is a community based not for profit organisation. IOE develops and delivers services for children and young people with disabilities and their families, including respite through recreation, individual supports, family camps, sibling support and activities for parents and carers. We foster a culture of fun and friendship at the basis of all our services.

IOE is a child safe organisation, operating within the Child Safety Standards and upholding the right of children and vulnerable people to be free from abuse. All people involved with IOE have the right to feel safe and supported during their involvement with the organisation. All host volunteers must sign our Child Safe Code of Conduct

Host Volunteers are carefully matched to a young person based on mutual liking and acceptance, shared interests and availability, to share time with on a regular basis from just a few hours each month. The young person is welcomed and cared for in the hosts home and supported to make genuine friendships and social connections, whilst the young person’s family can take some time out from their own regular routine.

Aim of a host volunteer:

To foster family connections, providing support that is consistent and flexible to enhance opportunities for the young person receiving care.

Core responsibilities:

Volunteer role includes: • Provide quality care for a young person with a disability on a regular basis in consultation with the young person’s parents/caregivers. • Be reliable, act in accordance with your role description and abide by the IOE policies. • Read and understand all the information provided to you about the person in your care including their support information. • Respect confidentiality and do not use identifying language when talking about the young person in your care. • Inform IOE of any changes that may affect your volunteering commitments including changes to residential address and other members living in the home. • Maintain regular contact with the program coordinator, communicate any concerns, ask for advice or support when needed and provide feedback about host catch ups.

Individual and family support includes:

• Maintain regular honest and open communication with the young person and their family. • Respect the family’s beliefs and practices concerning the care of their child. • Assist the young person with their care needs including meals, bathing, toileting and medication as outlined in their support information. • Encourage the young person to participate in activities that will enhance independent life building skills and social inclusion. • Have Fun!

Experience in disability is not essential as ongoing training and support is provided throughout the host experience and the matching process also takes knowledge and skill set into consideration. If you can make a 12 month commitment, consider yourself to have good communication and interpersonal skills, have the ability to take initiative and like to have fun, being a host volunteer might be just right for you.