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Disability Services - Fund-Raiser & Grants Guru

The Scuba Gym Australia Ltd

Contribution to a bigger cause is key value we live and work by and would grow our Scuba Gyms and locations if we had the resources. As a Grant writer – what experience have you had and how successful have you been in getting grants. What were the values of the grants ie big or small ? Have you crowd funded before ? Can you work alone and are you self motivated ? What would you see yourself gaining from helping us out with a grant application every month or so ? Have you written grants before and have they been successful – who was this for ?
What will you bring to us that you know will add value and contribute to changing lives of people with disabilities? We do our work where others won't and we get incredible results. How will your skills make a difference?

To be referred to this role an interview with Volunteering Central Coast is required. You will be contacted soon to arrange a mutually convenient time and place.