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Community Visitors Scheme - Volunteer Visitor - Northern Sydney Area -#195219

Lifeline Northern Beaches Inc

Logo for Lifeline Northern Beaches Inc

Lifeline Northern Beaches is looking for volunteers to join our Community Visitors Scheme team (CVS). As a volunteer within the CVS program, you will help end loneliness by providing friendship and companionship through visiting an older person living in a local residential aged care facility between Mosman and Collaroy.

Volunteering as a community visitor, is a rewarding and life changing experience, as just by visiting 1-hour each fortnight, you can make an amazing difference to someone’s life, bringing connection and joy to their day.

As a CVS Volunteer, you will be provided with all the training and support you need and be part of a great team. So, if you’re ready to give back, we’d love to hear from you. You can apply to become a CVS volunteer phoning Lifeline Northern Beaches on 9949 5522 and requesting the CVS Application Pack.


*Training provided by Lifeline Northern Beaches

*Developing interpersonal skills

*Creating friendships with older members of our community