NRL Cowboys Game Litter Hero Project

Volunteers key duties will be assisting patrons to locate Containers for Change bins at the stadium.
This is part of a collaboration between the Country Bank Stadium and Tangaroa Blue to create a litter reduction projects, reducing the amount of litter entering Ross Creek and ultimately into the Great Barrier Reef.
We have partnered with Queensland Country Bank Stadium for the rest of the season, so if you know you’d like to volunteer at a future game, please get in touch with us.
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and is delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation.
About Tangaroa Blue Foundation
Tangaroa Blue Foundation is an Australian registered charity focused on the health of our marine environment, and coordinates the Australian Marine Debris Initiative, an on-ground network of volunteers, communities, organisations and agencies around the country monitoring the impacts of marine debris along their stretch of coastline. We have over 255,500 volunteers around Australia who have removed over 23 million pieces of debris from the coastline since 2004.