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Cooking Demonstrator

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We are looking for a volunteer to cook a simple lunch (at Communicare’s Cannington site) about 5 times in Term 1 for the Young Parents Group (approximately 7 adults and 7 children) – nothing complex, just a simple meal that is inexpensive that parents could cook at home (and to also write out the recipe for them to take home). The purpose is to model meal ideas, healthy eating, as well as create a welcoming homely environment for the group. Prior to the lunch the parents will engage with a facilitated session on a variety of topics while their children are in the creche.

The group supports young parents 25 and under to build positive relationships, have a safe space to interact with their children, make friends, learn new life skills and access further support when needed.

At the moment we are looking at the following dates: Tuesdays - 7th and 21st February, 7th and 21st March and 4th April.

Lunch will be at 12:30 so you will need to be there a little before that depending on how long you need for preparation. There will be a budget allocated to purchase the food (or reimbursement).

You can not apply for this role as it is no longer available.