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Seeds For Snapper Seagrass Squad

Ozfish Unlimited
Logo for Ozfish Unlimited

Seagrass meadows are an important nursery ground for countless fish and species of marine life, including pink snapper, King George whiting, herring, Western rock lobster, prawns, squid, and blue swimmer crabs.

With more than 85% of seagrass meadows having been lost from Cockburn Sound in the last century, OzFish’s Seeds for Snapper project aims to restore these meadows in hopes to create a healthy habitat to support a growing number of native fish.

Seeds for Snapper is driven by the hundreds of volunteers who help make this project be the largest of its kind in Australia.

As part of our Seagrass Squad, your jobs will range from helping divers transport the collected fruits to the holding tank where they will go to mature, participating in beach combing and collecting any fruits that have washed up on shore, sorting the seeds from the fruits that are ready for dispersal, and dividing the seeds into buckets ready for other volunteers to disperse.

You can not apply for this role as it is no longer available.