Male/Female - Greek Volunteers needed to visit elderly_ a facility in Sylvania
Sydney Multicultural Community Services – CVS (Community Visitors Scheme) volunteering program is funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS) and supported by the Department of Health. The program serves culturally and linguistically diverse residents, who may be isolated by limited family support, language, and cultural barriers. We recruit, train and support volunteers to become Community Visitors, which visit eligible residents, either in an aged care facility or at their home.
This is a unique and high-impact role that directly targets and reduces loneliness, enhances the life of the recipient with happiness, offers friendship and a sense of meaningful purposes, and provides valuable social support to isolated and vulnerable residents. In return, volunteers donating their time will be spreading warmth, happiness, and goodwill amongst those who are in dire need of social support. We value highly our CVS visitors volunteers' team.