Volunteer Coordinator - Ngaarda Media
Ngaarda Media offers a media platform for Indigenous and Non-indigenous people across the Pilbara to tell their stories through radio, photography and videography. It is dedicated to nurturing and keeping culture strong. Ngaarda Media presents Aboriginal culture in an inspiring and meaningful way, across all digital media, to allow more people to experience the oldest living culture on earth.
Ngaarda Media has a license to broadcast across the Pilbara and are the only Aboriginal media and broadcasting hub in the area. Ngaarda Media's aim is to inspire people to find new ways to be actively involved in the preservation, exposure, and upkeep of long-held cultural knowledge and practice. We are committed to providing job pathways to employment in media-related roles across the nation and work in a culturally sensitive manner to bring out the best in our trainees and volunteers.
Ngaarda Media engages over 60 volunteers, and are seeking an individual to assist with the coordination and management of these volunteers. The role will also involve processing expressions of interest from new volunteers.