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Management Committee Member

Children by Choice

Children by Choice provides counselling, information and education services on all pregnancy options, including abortion, adoption and parenting. We provide a Queensland-wide counselling, information and referral service to pregnant people, deliver sexual and reproductive health education sessions in schools and youth centres, and offer training for GPs and other health and community professionals on pregnancy options, reproductive coercion and post abortion counselling.

We also advocate for improvements to law and policy that would increase access to reproductive health services and information. We are recognised nationally and internationally as a key advocacy group for reproductive and sexual health.

****Children by Choice embraces a diverse and inclusive environment. Our service values diversity and acknowledges that inclusive spaces generate creativity and innovation in perspective and problem solving while producing more sustainable and effective outcomes. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with a disability and people from the LGBTIQ+ community are strongly encouraged to apply.

Our Annual Reports and Strategic Plan are available on our website. For any details or the PD please email

Desirable skills We seek candidates with experience in:

  • HR/Organisational Management (NFP organisations)
  • Communications/Marketing/Fundraising/Creativity
  • Social Work / Community Work / Campaign and Advocacy
  • Audit/Compliance/ Governance / Law
  • Lived experience, in particular we welcome applicants who are First Nations, LGBTIQA+, young people, and/or live with a disability.
  • Organisational Environment Our elected Management Committee governs and advises on strategic matters, meeting monthly, with sub-committees every 1-2 months.

ORGANISATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The organisation is led by a voluntary Management Committee made up of competent professionals, elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Management Committee is responsible for the governance of the organisation but is also called on at times to provide expert opinion on operational matters.

The Management Committee meets once a month and sub-committees meet every 1-2 months.

THE ROLE The role of the Management Committee Member is to consider, debate, and vote on issues before the Management Committee on the basis of the best interests of the organisation only. Comply with the rules, policies, and standing orders of the organisation.

GENERAL RESPONSIBILITES On being elected to the Management Committee, undertake induction and training procedures as provided by the Management Committee.

Planning Review and approve the organisation’s Strategic Plan, and other consequential arrangements.

Meetings Attend all meetings, or, if absolutely unavoidable, apologise in advance for absence.

Where Management Committee papers are circulated in advance of the Management Committee meeting, read papers and consider issues before the meeting.

Contribute to the discussion and resolution of issues at meetings and otherwise as appropriate.

Administrative & Management Approach employees of the organisation only through the CEO

Serve on sub Committees as required.

Review and approve the organisation’s systems for financial control and risk management.

Understand the organisation’s finances (including solvency).

Media and Promotion Promote the organisation in the community as opportunities arise.

Fundraising Participate enthusiastically in any fundraising approved by the Management Committee.


Collaborate effectively with other team members, including MC members and staff where appropriate.

Contribute to a positive organisational culture.

Operate within a feminist framework and adhere to the approved Decision Making Principles.

Maintain and apply up-to-date knowledge of the evidence and best practice in your field, and work with the team to jointly identify and participate in skills development appropriate to your role and annual work plan.

Plan your time effectively to manage competing demands, including work/life balance.

Assist the team to report effectively to management and stakeholders.

Observe the policies and procedures, Code of Ethics and Conduct of the organisation.

Contribute to Children by Choice’s collective efforts, such as strategic planning, position papers, working groups, communication and public events.

Children by Choice embraces a diverse and inclusive environment. Our service values diversity and acknowledges that inclusive spaces generate creativity and innovation in perspective and problem solving while producing more sustainable and effective outcomes. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with a disability and people from the LGBTIQ+ community are strongly encouraged to apply.

You can not apply for this role as it is no longer available.