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Make-A-Wish -- Volunteer at the Sydney 5K Foam Fest - west of Sydney

Make-A-Wish Australia
Logo for Make-A-Wish Australia

We are very excited to announce that Make-A-Wish is once again the charity partner of the 5K Foam Fest, a foam-filled fun obstacle course that runs over 5km! Our partnership involves Make-A-Wish staff and volunteers running the bag and gear check-in tent where participants can leave their personal belongings during the race in return for a $5 donation to Make-A-Wish. Volunteer duties include bag checking and cash handling.

This is a huge event for Make-A-Wish each year and we hope this year will be even better!

Full training will be provided on the day and no experience is necessary. It's a really fun experience and the best part is that you can participate in the event for free before or after your shift (if you wish)!

There are 6 events across Australia including the below event west of Sydney:

Horsley Park Sunday 14th December 2024 - Sydney International Equestrian Centre - Saxony Rd, Horsley Park, NSW

Volunteer shifts available:

Morning: 7:00am - 1:30pm

Afternoon: 12.15pm - 4.15pm

All day: 7:00am - 4:00pm

We will endeavour to offer you your preferred shift time and may ask if you are available for an alternative time slot. The morning shift is busiest and therefore when we will need the most volunteers!

Please note that all volunteers for this Foam Fest must be aged 16 years or older and you will be sent a short application form after submitting your enquiry.