Croatian/Bosnian, Greek languages-to visit seniors_ Campsie/Bexley/CroydonNSW

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors (ACVVS) program is funded by the Government Department of Social and Services. The program serves culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) residents, who may be isolated by limited family support, and language and cultural barriers.
We seek Croatian volunteers to visit an individual home in Stanmore and the facilities in Revesby, and Croydon. We also seek a Bosnian's female volunteer to visit one facility in Bexley), and male or female Greek visitors volunteers to support isolated seniors/residents at the facility in Daceyville, Maroubra and Croydon NSW.
Visits take place at least once a fortnight for an hour or two. Activities may include conversations, games, watching TV, listening to music, reading, reminiscing or other activities depending on the capacity of the resident. We are valued our amazing volunteer' team and their amazing contributions to our community.
*** Only applicants who matches with the location and criteria will be contacted by Sydney MCS ***.