Experienced Dog Trainer in "No force / reward based" For Pets As Therapy
We recruit and train people with their own dogs in work, health and safety; infection control; risk assessment; and specific positioning of pets for safe and respectful pet/client interaction.
We visit hospitals, nursing homes, schools, groups, individuals and go anywhere we can offer the many joys of a friendly, well trained pet.
Our Pets As Therapy program is unique in as much as we place the happiness, welfare and safety of the pets as first priority at all times. Not only is this ethically important to us but by keeping the pets safe and happy, the clients also remain automatically safe and happy.
We are seeking an experienced amateur or professional dog trainer of ""trust / no force / rewards based / positive reinforcement" methods" to teach our people volunteers how to train their dogs in our required standards of obedience. This includes walking on a leash without pulling; greeting people calmly keeping 4 paws on the ground; stand and stay; sit and stay; lay down and stay; go to a target and stay calmly: jump up onto a sturdy chair and remain there calmly.
Training provided in our methods for suitable candidates.
Velma's Pets As Therapy charity has been operating for 25+ amazingly successful years. If you love dogs and understand the value of the human / animal bond, then you are likely to find this volunteer role deeply rewarding.