Volunteer English Tutor

Our Volunteer Tutor Scheme is designed to assist migrants and refugees who need English language support in the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). Joining our volunteer team will give you the chance to meaningfully engage with members of your local community, and help people develop their English language skills as they settle into a new life in Australia. Anyone can support us as a tutor, even if your first language is not English, and teaching experience is not necessary! You must be an NSW or ACT resident over 18 years of age.
You will need:
- confidence in reading and writing in English
- a desire to help others learn
- to give 1 hour each week of your time
- to attend 10 hours of free training and interactive workshops with a qualified TESOL teacher
You will receive:
- Training, support and resources from our Volunteer Tutor Scheme Coordinator, a qualified TESOL trainer
- An insight into new cultures and customs as well as the opportunity to share your own culture with new arrivals to Australia
- The satisfaction of helping others and seeing their confidence grow
- The rewarding feeling of seeing your student succeed and possibly gain employment or enter further education as a direct result of your support
- A referee for your resume