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Boccia Australia Limited

Logo for Boccia Australia Limited

Boccia Australia is the National Sporting Organisation (NSO) leading and governing the sport of Boccia in Australia. Australians with significant physical impairment are the most inactive section of our society. People with an impairment – whether congenital or acquired are often further disabled by assumptions that their level of impairment means they can’t play sport. Boccia, however, is one of the few sports open to anyone, regardless of their level of physical ability, age, or gender. Boccia Australia’s aim is to raise the profile of Boccia so everyone who could benefit from it knows about the sport. Sport can help improve the quality of life for people with impairment in physical and social ways. Recognising that long term engagement in Boccia comes from both local, low-cost access to clubs and competitions, Boccia Australia (BA) will work to deliver the capability to local club managers and other officials so that local clubs are vibrant and sustainable. BA will also support high quality competitions through identifying and maintaining pathways for officials including coaches, referees, ramp operators, classifiers, and others. Latest Annual Report 2021 can be found here: