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St Paul's Anglican Church Canterbury

We are a friendly, vibrant and inclusive Anglican Church. We offer hospitality, care and Christian concern. Central to our faith community is the rich heritage of active involvement in worship, developed over 125 years. We gather with strong community spirit, both to find stillness and connect with God. Our liturgy follows traditional Anglican worship as set out in the ABPA, centred around the Eucharist with choral music, prayers, readings, reflections and homilies following the seasons of the church, and in response to current affairs. Our members cover all ages and stages. We have children, students, working adults, retirees and members in aged care facilities. Many contribute to the church and community through active volunteering. The Parish has a membership base of some 85 households, and averages around 95 attending weekly services. Many of our parishioners are older, reflective of the Canterbury and district demographic. Families with children and young adults participate in our children’s and young people’s ministry. The leadership and life of the parish stems from a high level of active involvement in activities and groups. People say they come because they find connection with others, and because they find the music and liturgy uplifting and helpful.

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