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Australian First Responder Foundation Ltd

The Australian First Responder Foundation (AFRF) was formed in 2020 and is involved in creating lasting solutions and providing services that educate, inform and inspire first responder mental health and wellbeing within the Australian first responder community. This community is made up of both paid and volunteer first responders from ambulance, fire and public safety organisations. The AFRF is a registered charitable organisation; a company limited by guarantee. The members own and direct the operation of the company within the bounds of the AFRF Constitution through the Board of Directors. The Board contains a blend of well-respected and experienced individuals from the First Responder community passionate about the mental wellbeing of their colleagues and people with experience in managing and operating organisations in the public, private and community sectors. The objectives of the Australian First Responder Foundation are to: 1. Improve the training and participation of, and research into improving the effectiveness of programs for, first responders in peer support for emergency service first responders in training and education in the methods and techniques to be applied in supporting Emergency Service First Responders. 2. Conduct educational events to promote the mental health and wellbeing of first responders including early intervention, suicide prevention, resiliency training and peer support training that arises from exposure to critical incidents. 3. Host forums that bring together local, national and international leaders, academics, first responder organisations and peer support program developers to advance the collective best practice understanding and application of peer support programs for first responders. 4. Establish access to services that provide mental health wellbeing education and training activities that support first responders to prevent and overcome the effects of traumatic events, including the use and establishment of retreats in which to conduct those services. 5. Provide relief from the mental stressors of working as a first responder through activities that seek to alleviate, effectively deal with, or allow the stresses experienced to be shared amongst their peers and, in appropriate circumstances, their families. 6. Conduct fund raising activities and make appropriate applications to bodies to finance, conduct, assist and partner with to deliver the services above.