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Bathurst Seymour Centre

We are a centre for older people with a disability and their carers who live in the Bathurst Regional Area. Our service enables people in the Bathurst Region to live independently and participate in community life. We do this by providing a range of services, designed to enhance the wellbeing and quality of life of older people, people with dementia and people with disabilities and to provide support for their carers. Bathurst Seymour Centre’s services use a broad range of stimulating activities to promote opportunities for social interaction and participation. We also provide respite for carers so that they can have a break from their caring role for a few hours. Senior members of the community and people from all cultures are welcome. There are many options and choices so that the independence of people is increased. It’s a safe, friendly and welcoming environment so that older people can learn new skills and are encouraged to keep healthy and active. As a community-based organisation, we are committed to developing stronger relationships, programs, and services with others who want to collaborate and work with us. Volunteer roles include community visiting and support, driving and transport, kitchen assistance and client based activities.