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Tangaroa Blue Foundation

Logo for Tangaroa Blue Foundation

WA's Marine Debris Project. Tangaroa Blue Foundation is run as a non-profit organisation with the goals of: Creating awareness in the community through marine environmental science projects Proactively participating in and organising marine conservation projects. Tangaroa is the Maori and Polynesian God and Guardian of the Sea Since 2004 more than 350,000 pieces of debris have been removed from beaches along WA's coastline. Plastic found in this planet's oceans averages out at 46,000 pieces per square mile. The Marine Debris Project that collects data on items found, which is then used to trace the most commonly found items back to their source. By then, working with Government agencies and industry, it is possible to make changes in design or use of these items so they do not end up on our beaches in the first place.