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Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS Australia) | Community Justice & Social Services Charity

Logo for Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS Australia) | Community Justice & Social Services Charity

Diverse Communities and Social Services (DCSS) Australia is a registered Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) Social Welfare DGR Charity and Not-for-Profit Community Justice and Social Support Services, Volunteer-led Organisation throughout Australia. Diverse Communities and Social Services (DCSS Australia) is the only LGBTIQA+, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI), Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), Diversity and Inclusion focused organisation which delivers a dual-accredited Not-for-Profit Community Justice Program operating across Australia. DCSS Australia delivers this program in close partnership with the Victorian Department of Justice - Fines Victoria (WDP Team) and NSW Department of Finance Services & Innovation - NSW Revenue Office, Legal Aid (WDO Team) as well as many of our other Community Partners. We were founded in 2014, Incorporated in 2016, Registered Fundraiser in 2018, Registered Charity in 2020. Our Values: Trust - Respect - Integrity - Belief - Equality (T.R.I.B.E.) At DCSS Australia we focus on supporting people who have incurred specific fines and debt in Victoria (VIC) and New South Wales (NSW). - We are accredited under Section 10H of the Fines Reform Act 2014 (Victoria Department of Justice). - We are also accredited under Section 99A of the Fines Act 1996 (NSW Revenue Department). We also engage in community support and development programs across Australia and help people navigate their way through various systems to ensure an equal and just outcome for all parties. * We care! We listen! We recognise everyone! There is no judgement! You are important! You are accepted! *We want to empower you to develop, and assist you to succeed on your own journey, we also help you celebrate your own success! Recruitment: With DCSS Australia, nothing is impossible, and we are here to help you achieve your desires and dreams within Community & Social Services. We are an all-volunteer organisation and we know the impact volunteering can have on the world and in people’s lives. We offer many ways to learn, grow and strengthen your own skills and ultimately hone and develop your passion for talent and skill. This allows you to create your own role descriptions and develop while putting your own experiences into practice. There are always opportunities to grow and learn new fields that you mightn’t have thought you could ever achieve. If you are interested in a pro-bono position with us or a partnered organisation, please email our People and Culture team and visit our website for more information about our organisation. We look forward to our future endeavours together! Thank you, Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS Australia) and Not-for-Profit & Charity Community Consultants (NFPCCC) and